What a great
question! In fact, I could probably
ramble on about drink preferences all day.
My very favorite writing drink is no longer available, much to the
sadness of my taste buds (but to the joy of my hips). I used to write a lot at the bookstore
Borders, sitting in the café there for hours.
It was seriously my writing home and the best place to get in the zone. And every time, I would get a Javanilla
milkshake and try to make it last as long as possible while I worked. Well, Borders doesn’t exist anymore, so
usually I drink a bottled Frappacino while I work, unless I make the drive to
my favorite café, 45 minutes away, and then it’s a Mudslide Mocha blended drink
(non-alcoholic). And let’s not even start in on what I would
have been drinking 99% of the time while I was writing Love Sucks but no longer drink at all (hint:
it’s Diet Pepsi). Have I mentioned that
I could ramble on about drinks for quite a while? How did you know it was a good opener?
I didn’t! But I’m glad it worked out well for you. Hope
you’re nice and relaxed now. Just sit back and sip on that Frappacino and we’ll
get started.
Sage, I must say, the title of your book is very
interesting. And your tagline absolutely slays me. Will you please share with
us a small blurb of the book, along with where the inspiration came from?
Absolutely, and thank
The blurb from Musa
Mailee is about to answer the age-old question: "How much love
would a love sucker suck if a love sucker fell in love?"
Mailee’s greatest wish is to be an ordinary teenage girl, but thanks to
one stupid demon gene she consumes love from any human she touches. The only person she can touch is her best
friend Eric, a hot lust-drainer. Except
for slight hand-brushes to keep from starving, she avoids humans.
Until she meets Logan, a diabetic and the first human who could
understand Mailee’s diet angst. She
grows closer to him, but each touch risks his love for her. If she wants a normal relationship, she’ll
have to become human. But the only way requires her to free and be infected by
demons representing the Seven Deadly Sins. Sloth? Pride? No problem. But when wrath-infected Mailee punches the
cheerleader who’s making eyes at Eric, she realizes getting through the sins
might cost too much.
Like Eric. Because if she turns human, he’ll be the only one she can’t
How fun. I guess that just proves how valuable some of the
games we play can be. The whole concept of this novel seems pretty unique to
me. Can you shed some light on whether or not this has been done before?
Perhaps I’m reading the wrong books, but I, personally, have never run across
I don’t think it’s
been done like this before. There are
other literary characters that are vampires who feed off emotion in one way or
another (incidentally, Mailee hates being called a vampire). The adult urban fantasy series The Dresden Files comes immediately to
mind, although the feeding works in a very different way. I know that at a few points after I wrote Love Sucks, I would talk to an author
who wrote about a character that feeds off emotion (demon, vampire, or
otherwise), and of course one writer I know was working on one before I
started, but she didn’t complete that story.
So, I’m curious. Does Mailee attend a special school for
kids who are part-demon? Or are most of the other kids normal humans?
There are exactly
three Haustores—that’s the name for the emotion drainers--at Mailee’s school at
the time of the book: Mailee, Eric, and
Justin. Everyone else is a regular
human, which is great for Eric and Justin, who don’t mind draining lust and
inhibition, respectively, but not so good for love-draining Mailee. So, the Haustores are “in the closet,” so to
speak, and, except for a few exceptions like Eric’s parents and Logan, the rest
of the world doesn’t know about them.
Do you usually have a specific method of creating and
visualizing your characters? I know some writers create character sketches for
each one, and some choose actors, or a look that an actor has acquired for a
specific film, when visualizing their characters. What works for you?

Eric is one of two
characters to be visually based on an actor, and it’s really from one show (he
also was named after the same character—Eric from the little-known show Wonderfalls). But I visualize my
characters and my novels more as animation than as actors or real-life
people. But I also don’t visualize them
very sharply, if you know what I mean?

Oh, Sage, I really like those. You're very creative, lady. Please tell us which part of the writing process, from
idea conception to final approval of galleys, do you find to be the most exhilarating? Stressful?
I find so many parts
exhilarating, so I’ll answer stressful first.
And that is absolutely waiting on full requests. I’ve mellowed out a lot, but back when I was
querying Love Sucks and my following
novel Fireflies (which is currently
published in short-story form in the Absolute
Visions anthology), I was a nervous wreck.
Every second I was away from my e-mail was torture. Of course, every second I was near my e-mail
was also torture. Refresh refresh
refresh. Meanwhile, I was doing some
really repetitive and boring work at my job, and this actually started me
downloading audiobooks to listen to at work, just to give me something else to
concentrate on for those 8 hours a day.
There are lots of
really exciting parts from conception to publication. Even though I am super-excited that my book
is coming out today, I don’t think this is actually the most exciting part for
me. I love coming up with the new
ideas. Starting them can be daunting, but
in that initial “I have an idea and I can visualize scenes I might write” phase,
I am so twitterpated with the novel.
Most of my ideas come from me taking something that’s meant to be
figurative and making it literal (often from a song). My current project is about a boy who is
fighting alongside the girl of his dreams for the rights of these androids that
are built to be the perfect boyfriends...and then he finds out that he is one
built for her. The came from Colbie
Caillat’s “Tailor Made,” when I was listening one day and thought, “What if the
boyfriend really was tailor-made for her?”
But, speaking of
music, one of the most exciting parts of writing novels for me is making a
soundtrack for each one. As much as I
love books, I love music even more. I
have actually found that if I don’t make a soundtrack, I almost never get the
project to a querying level. In some
ways, the soundtrack works as an outline for me while I’m writing the novel,
but it’s also very fluid because I’m a lot more flexible moving around,
deleting, and adding songs than I am with a paper outline that tells me what
order I should write it in. If I get
stuck in the novel, the right song can inspire me. When I get through with the novel, the
soundtrack keeps the story fresh in my mind, so that I’m still enthusiastic
about it during edits and querying. In
fact, the android story I mentioned above is one that I abandoned three years
ago, and I picked it up again in February because I happened upon the barebones
soundtrack I had started back then.
Wow. I don’t know how you find the time to manage all of these
aspects of your writing. You’re very thorough in the process, Sage. If you
could choose any setting to travel to in order to work on your next novel,
where would that be, and why?
Borders café.
Okay, but seriously,
that’s really hard because there are so many places I’ve never been that I’d
like to go. However, as a writing
vacation, sometimes the more exciting places are not the best to travel
to. I took a cruise to Hawaii a couple
of years ago, fully intending to work on novel revisions during my downtime,
and I didn’t do a thing because I was always running to one activity or another
or sight-seeing.
I’d say that the
cabin in the Hocking Hills that I went to last August was absolutely perfect
for writing. There was no internet, it
had a pretty view, and I got tons done there (I wrote a middle grade novel in 3
days there, actually). I’ve written at
Martha’s Vineyard and in a cabin at Pigeon Forge, but the Hocking Hills cabin
was far more productive. And cheaper,
You’ve had some great experiences and some amazing views to
enjoy for inspiration. The only place you mention that I’ve seen is Pigeon
Forge, and it is beautiful, but I wasn’t there for the muse.
If you were given the opportunity to be mentored by any author,
past or present, whom would you choose? And again, please tell us why?
Does it have to be a
novel writer? I’d love to be mentored by
Joss Whedon. Yeah, I don’t think it’s a
big secret that I am a huge Buffy, the
Vampire Slayer (Angel, Firefly, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-long Blog) fan, and if it is, well, there,
I’ve outted myself. But I’m aware that
novel writing and screenwriting are two totally different skills.
I do have a lot of
great mentors and crit partners within a group of YA writers I met online five
years ago, and we’ve been each other’s sounding boards, betas, and support
group ever since. So within my genre
it’s really hard to choose someone else that I would look to for that role.
Do you feel that the ebook industry is becoming stronger in
the genres most read by young people? Are there ample opportunities to market
your book and to reach your intended audience?
I’m not very good at
marketing, but I think that for someone like me, who’s socially awkward and
can’t sell a thing in person (I remember my days in the Girl Scouts), having an
e-book means you can stick to e-marketing, which is really advantageous when
you can barely hold a conversation.
I do think teens are
starting to explore the e-book market.
The YA market obviously hasn’t exploded yet like romance did, but teens
love to get the newest technology, and it allows them to read whatever they
want without any judgment from their peers or even adults. Yeah, my parents sometimes dismissed what I
was reading as a teen too, and I totally worried that other teens were judging
my choice in books. So if a guy wanted
to pick up Love Sucks, but wouldn’t
normally have wanted a book with “love” in the title and a heart on the cover,
he can read it anywhere and not worry about what anybody thinks. If adults want to read YA, they don’t have to
feel judged by others based on the cover or even by being in the YA section of
a book store. I’m not marketing to guys
or adults, but if they want to read my book, they’re free to do so ;)
Speaking of covers, I think yours is amazing. I’m glad you brought
it along with you, because I wanted my readers to have the opportunity to see
it, also.
So what can we expect to see next from Sage?
I’m hoping you’ll
either see superheroes or androids from me.
I’ve already told you a little about Taylor-Made, my WIP. I’m also querying a novel that’s told from
the POV of both the superheroine and the supervillain, who are obsessively in
love with each other. I adore both these
novels, and I hope they get published, mostly because I want an excuse to write
Great! We’ll be on the look-out for them. Okay, last
question Sage, and please bear with me. I know it’s a bit silly. If you had the
choice of becoming a character in one of Dr. Seuss’s tales, who or what would
you be, and why? Also, would you remain true to that character, or would you
change him/it in some way?
I should probably say
the Lorax, seeing how I work in an environmental lab. But I don’t think I’d want to be the
Lorax. I think I would like to be Sam I
Am. That guy could convince people of
anything. He convinced someone to eat eggs
and ham that were green. And every time the other guy gave him a no,
he had a fresh new idea, and he never let it get him down. I’d want his confidence and persuasiveness
for sure. Plus, querying my books would
be so fun.
Would you read them
in a house?
Would you read them
with a mouse?
Would you read them
in box?
Would you read them
with a fox?
Would you, could you
in a car?
Read them, read
them! Here they are!
Ha! I love your sense of humor. I hope there’s a lot of it
evident in Love Sucks, and I have a feeling there will be. Thank you so very
much for sharing with us today, Sage. I wish you the absolute best of success
with all of your books. Please tell everyone here where you can be found, and
when and where they can purchase Love Sucks.
Thanks, Cordelia!
Love Sucks is
available (starting today!) at Musa Publishing (you
can link to: http://musapublishing.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5&products_id=251)
, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble’s
If you happen to have
found me totally fascinating, you can read more of my ramblings at http://sagelikethespice.wordpress.com/ or on Twitter, where I’m @sagecollins.
And I promise I will use fewer exclamation marks than I do in this
interview, but I’m a little hyper today.
*bounces* And I haven’t even had
a Frappacino yet.
Lots of love,
Those avatars are awesome! Great post, guys!
Thanks, Timothy, for dropping by. I think Sage is a very talented lady.
Great interview! I can't wait to read Sage's book! (And I'm with you on missing Borders cafe. I liked the frozen mocha with a shot of raspberry syrup... yum.)
Thanks for coming by, Ruth. It's great when friends drop in.
Great interview, Cordelia and Sage! Sounds like you've got a hit on you hands with 'Love Sucks'. Just the title alone makes me want to buy it! Best of luck with your publishing venture! Cheers!
Hi, Sharon. Thanks for coming by. It was a lot of fun, but Sage is a fun girl.
Loved this interview, and the concept of the novel sounds very interesting! I'll definitely have to put this on my reading list! Just 2 ahead of ya. :)
Sage, what an interesting idea for a book; it's really neat to read how my fellow authors create. Here's to one more book on my must read log! Cordelia, neat questions, thanks for hosting! C.K. Garner
Fabulous interview, ladies! Sage, that tag line OMG. Best one I've ever heard, hands down.
Thank you Dusty, C.K. and Libby for stopping by and taking the time to comment. It's nice to know that everyone is willing to support their fellow writers. That's why I'm so happy to be a part of this group.
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